The History of

Chester W Rice invents original speaker patent.
Pioneering the foundation of audio innovation.

19th and Early 20th Century
Speakers before Trulli Audio.
Evolution of sound technology before our time.

The origins of our Founder, Len Foxman.
Len Foxman, President and founder of Eagle Test Systems 1976. A semi-conducter test manufacturer. The company grew globally to almost 500 employees. In March 2006 they went public, (Nasdaq: EGLT). Soon after, November 14th, 2008 ETS was acquired by Teradyne (NYSE: TER)

Beginning of a journey in audio excellence.
Prescient Audio was founded by Paul Niederman.

Recognition for groundbreaking innovation.
Prescient Audio wins CES Innovation award for the TD12 subwoofer.

A new era begins in Mundelein, Illinois.
In August of 2016, Len Foxman acquires assets of Prescient Audio, and new company name is formed, Eagle Acoustics Manufacturing. Headquartered in Mundelein, IL. 1000 sq. feet.

First Patent is granted for low-profile speaker.
Revolutionizing sound with cutting-edge technology.

The Team grows, and innovation begins.
From prototype to production, Trulli focuses on pushing boundaries.

Introducing Trulli Audio to the world.
The official customer facing name and brand is launched, Trulli Audio.

Engaging our community in the pursuit of excellence.
Trulli announces Jam5 to family and friends and invites them to become our first external test audience. Our first major live event generated over 150 active test users which allowed us to fine tune our first offering.

Expansion to accommodate growth and innovation.
Trulli moves into a new 10,000 sq. ft. headquarters.

Continuing our commitment to innovation.
Trulli receives another patent for how we assemble our subwoofer.

Adapting to challenges and overcoming obstacles.
Covid-19 has a major impact on production, forcing us to pivot our materials & sourcing, forcing delays.

Bringing our vision to life with the Jam5 portable speaker.
The first Trulli portable speaker—the Jam5—is released after several years of taking an idea from concept to production.

Trulli receives another patent for our wireless speakers.
Reinforcing our leadership in technological innovation.

Advancing our subwoofer technology.
Trulli focusses efforts on creating our first production-worthy subwoofer.

Redefining in-car audio experiences.
Trulli debuts no install vehicle upgrade concept at Used Car Week, Scottsdale, Arizona November 2023.

Making waves with our latest innovations at CES.
Trulli debuts our technology at CES PepCom and inside the Eleven Engineering Suite. Best Buy and others write about this game changing offering.

Setting new standards in premium car audio.
Trulli enters the premium custom car audio market with the TD10S 10” Subwoofer. Trulli garners attention from CE Outlook and other outlets, as articles and online discussions strike up around our technology.

Celebrating recognition for automotive innovation.
Trulli wins an AutoFin award, being recognized for innovation in the automotive space.

Enhancing retail audio experiences with innovative solutions.
Trulli announces preloaded passive enclosures designed for premium retail car audio locations and online locations.
To build better speakers,
we’re building a better
speaker company.
At Trulli, we believe listeners like you deserve more.
More possibilities. More feeling. More of everything you love about music.
With a small but mighty team of engineers and music lovers, we’re dedicated to reimagining portability, power and pure sound quality.